Friendly Players Roleplay Wiki

The Citizen is the base job available in the FP DarkRp server.


The Citizen is the most common job played as on the server, as such, there is bound to be several players playing as citizens at any given time. Players that join the server are automaticly added to the the list of citizens. They have around 12 models, two of which are locked at the begining, but can be unlocked by gaining enough LXP. They spawn with no extra weapons. The salary for them is $45 per Pay Day. When a player is demoted from a job, they will automatically become a citizen. Citizens cannot be demoted, as they're the base class. As such, minges often play as citizen to keep themselves safe from punishment through the Demotion system. They are described as having no particular role in RP Life.


Despite the simplicity of the Citizen class, they have some rules that apply to them.

  • As usual, all server rules apply to you.
  • Although having a custom job is encouraged, things like killer and such are not allowed. See Un-Allowed Jobs for more details.
  • You are not allowed to raid, rob, or commit crimes. If you are caught, expect to be frozen, slayed, kicked, or any combination of the three. Drug Planting, Money printers and such are allowed.