Friendly Players Roleplay Wiki

Welcome to the Wiki all about Friendly Players Roleplay server! Feel free to contribute by adding and editing pages. This is the original wiki for the server and the first one out! You can also visit our website and forum at It is currently the 7th most used server in Garry's Mod. Register today! If you want to join the Garrys Mod server then type in console connect Thank you everyone for helping


Hey bro thats not allowed.

I hope you know how to follow rules.

Forum, Apps, and Powers

"Hey, have you seen the new thread?" "You mean the Member App?" "Yeah!" "I Can't wait to slay those minges!"

A little information with the Forum.


"What's so special about FP anyway? (Shows topic) Ohhh....."

What's special about FP? What's NOT special about FP?

Latest activity