The Gangster is a job available in the FP DarkRp server.
The Gangster is a very popular job on the server. As the footsoldiers of the Mob Boss, they are criminals almost by default, and are watched by the Police, making them a commonplace in jail. As criminals, they have the power to raid without any specific reason, other than that they want to, whereas the Police/SWAT need to have proof and a valid reason to raid, and other jobs are not allowed. They can hire Locksmiths to accomplish this when the Mob boss is unavailable. They can also kidnap people and hold them for ransom, or just outright mug them. They have a nasty habit of sparing with the Police, and generally anyone who gets in their way. The Gangster does not spawn with weapons by default, but can gain Gangster XP and unlock some.
They are the only other class besides the Citizen class that can select their playermodel. They use the Resistance models from Half Life 2 and its episodes, as well as two custom made models.
The Gangsters especially must follow rules. Thes include:
- Server rules apply to you, especially RDM, and NLR, though NLR is voided during a takeover
- Just because you are a Gangster, and, by extention, a criminal, does not mean you can kill whoever you want. You must still have a reason to kill someone or you will face demotion.