The Money Printer is a money making device in the Friendly Player's Dark Rp server.
Money Printers are the cheaper alternative to making money fast, the other being the Drug Plants. They cost $1000 to spawn from a player's F4 menu, and they are functionally very poor compared to the Drug Plant. Money Printers are small, white, console like boxes. They periodically spawn money in incriments of $250 that are able to be picked up by anyone. Thus after four prints, you will break even and begin making profit. Like all entities, they can be destroyed by a few gun shots. This is perfered protocal of CPs, who otherwise would either have to leave it in place, or risk being attacked by bringing it to the Police Department.
Unfortunately, unmastered money printers are known more for their unreliabiliy than money making powers. They will unpredictably, catch fire and explode, damaging other entities and lighting others on fire, typically before they even print enough money to break even. Even if you do break even, the money printer is a very slow money maker, printing very small increments at a very slow rate. Thus most prefer the Druge Plant over the money printer as their primary source of income.