Friendly Players Roleplay Wiki
Friendly Players Roleplay Wiki

, a player can be described as a powergamer if he or she declares that his or her own action against another player character is successful without giving the other player character the freedom to act on his own prerogative. They may also be a player who tries to force others to participate in role-playing they don't want to engage in. For instance, a player who unilaterally describes his character as doing something with (or to) another character that would usually require the other to play along — such as having a fight or a sexual encounter — is considered to be powergaming.

In such games, in which a sense of community and rapport between players is seen as crucial and conducive to the game's overall well-being, powergaming is generally regarded as extremely offensive behavior if it is not stated in the rules as being a bannable offense, which it is in the majority of text-based role-playing games. It is often seen as synonymous with twinking or godmoding.

originally written by reegz