Friendly Players Roleplay Wiki

The Fp Rp rank powers list

This is the list of powers Gained at Certain Ranks

Made by Profanity, can be found here.

Here is a list of the powers and what they do

Slay - Member or higher - done by typing /slay "name of victim" or by clicking the slay image on the tab menu slay instantly kills the player slaying by the tab menu offers 4 options, Silent that just kills the selected player in a disappearing act, Normal, regulary kills a person, explode that blows up the selected player or rocket that blows the selected player up into the air.

Freeze - Member or higher - Freezeing freezes the selected player wherever they are when you freeze them while frozen they cannot be killed by guns or any other form of weapon nor can they be moved by props, they can however be slayed while frozen.

Mute-Voice - Member or higher - This makes the selected player unable to speak via microphone (They can still speak in chat)

Mute-chat - Moderator or higher - This makes the player unable to type in chat including ooc pm advert and report

Teleport - Moderator or higher - Teleports Moderator to the nearest wall, form of quick travel.

Bring - Moderator or higher - Teleports a selected player to the Moderator.

Goto - Moderator or higher - Teleports the Moderator to a selected player

Slap - Moderator or higher - Slaps a selected person, for an selected amount of slaps, that each do a selected amount of damage. Hilarious to watch.

Ignite - Moderator or higher - Lights a selected person on fire.

Kick - Moderator or higher - Kicks a person out of the server, with a reason, and erases any props or owned door the player had.

Spectate - Admin or higher - Spectates a selected player, allowing to see what the player is doing.

Ban - Admin or higher - can ban a person, not allowing the person to come back to the server for an amount of time.

Unban - SA only - Removes the ban on a person.

Change map - SA only - Changes the map, usually for a special event.

Give weapon - SA only - gives the SA a weapon.

Noclip - SA only - Do you really not know this?

These following abilites are not verified.

Hang - SA only - Turns the player into a ragdoll, with a rope coming from the neck to a prop up above it to make it look like the player was hanged.

Nuke - SA only - Possibly the same as Give weapon, only it makes Insta-nukes. Hilarious, but annoying.

Kick - SA only - not a real kick, but where the selected player becomes a ragdoll and gets "kicked" in the butt by the SA, who is also a ragdoll. Hilarious to watch.

If youd like to see the Server STAFF please look here.