Friendly Players Roleplay Wiki

The S.W.A.T. Unit (refered to as SWAT or The SWAT Team collectivly) is a job available in the FP Dark Rp server. Unlike other jobs, it is unlocked when a player reaches 2,000 Life Experiance Points. They use a custom model of a S.W.A.T officer. They are sometimes mistaken as F.B.I agents, because of a tag on their model that says F.B.I.


The S.W.A.T Unit has the authority of a regular cop. They carry the standard gear for a cop, including arrest/unarrest Batons, stun sticks, and battering rams. The Battering Rams have a special quality to them; they break doors off the frame into a prop, allowing the prop to be manipulated by the gravity gun. The S.W.A.T class omits the Glock handgun for a more powerful handgun, the Desert Eagle. They also carry an MP5 SMG, and carry any weapons unlocked from normal Police Ranks. They also carry 2 flash/smoke grenades that they can use.

S.W.A.T, despite technically being a cop, do not answer to the Cheif of Police, though they do answer to the mayor. This was clarified by Reegz here.

OOC Use[]

S.W.A.T Units, like cops, also have a role in server rule enforcement. When there is no Staff member available, Respected Players without powers, or even regular players can act as the peace keeping force until a staff member arrives. This can even be the solution to the problem, such as when they arrest a prop minge, who eventually gets bored and leaves, negating the need for a staff member to come onto the server.